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Behavioral Characteristics of the TMM Levels

Level 1 - Initial: Testing is a chaotic process; it is ill-defined and not distinguished from debugging.
Tests are developed in an ad hoc way after coding is done. Testing and debugging are interleaved to get
the bugs out of the software. The objective of testing is to show that the software works [1]. Software
products are released without quality assurance. There is a lack of resources, tools, and properly trained
staff. This type of organization would be on Level 1 of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) developed
by the Software Engineering Institute. There are no maturity goals at this level.

第一级  初始级

Level 2 - Phase Definition: Testing is separated from debugging and is defined as a phase that follows
coding. It is a planned activity; however, test planning at Level 2 may occur after coding for reasons
related to the immaturity of the test process. For example, at Level 2 there is the perception that all testing
is execution-based and dependent on the code, and therefore it should be planned only when the code is
The primary goal of testing at this level of maturity is to show that the software meets its specifications
[2]. Basic testing techniques and methods are in place. Many quality problems at this TMM level occur
because test planning occurs late in the software lifecycle. In addition, defects propagate into the code
from the requirements and design phases, as there are no review programs that address this important
issue. Post-code, execution-based testing is still considered the primary testing activity.

第二级  定义级

Level 3 - Integration: Testing is no longer a phase that follows coding; it is integrated into the entire
software lifecycle. Organizations can build on the test planning skills they have acquired at Level 2.
Unlike Level 2, planning for testing at TMM Level 3 begins at the requirements phase and continues
throughout the lifecycle supported by a version of the V-model [3]. Test objectives are established with
respect to the requirements based on user and client needs and are used for test case design and success
criteria. There is a test organization, and testing is recognized as a professional activity. There is a
technical training organization with a testing focus. Basic tools support key testing activities. Although
organizations at this level begin to realize the important role of reviews in quality control, there is no
formal review program, and reviews do not yet take place across the lifecycle. A test measurement
program has not yet been established to qualify process and product attributes.

第三级  集成级


Level 4 - Management and Measurement: Testing is a measured and quantified process. Reviews at all
phases of the development process are now recognized as testing and quality control activities. Software
products are tested for quality attributes such as reliability, usability, and maintainability. Test cases from
all projects are collected and recorded in a test case database to test case reuse and regression testing.
Defects are logged and given a severity level. Deficiencies in the test process are now often due to the
lack of a defect prevention philosophy and the porosity of automated support for the collection, analysis,
and dissemination of test-related metrics.

第四级  管理和测量级

Level 5 - Optimization, Defect Prevention, and Quality Control: Because of the infrastructure
provided by the attainment of maturity goals at Levels 1 through 4 of the TMM, the testing process is
now said to be defined and managedits cost and effectiveness can be monitored. At Level 5, there are
mechanisms that fine-tune and continuously improve testing. Defect prevention and quality control are
practiced. The testing process is driven by statistical sampling, measurements of confidence levels,
trustworthiness, and reliability. There is an established procedure to select and evaluate testing tools.
Automated tools totally support the running and rerunning of test cases, providing support for test case
design, maintenance of test-related items, defect collection and analysis, and the collection, analysis, and
application of test-related metrics.

第五级  优化,预防缺陷和质量控制级

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